Hydrostatic Valve – how does it work in a swimming pool?

A hydrostatic valve is a type of relief valve that is designed to protect the structure of the swimming pool from damage caused by hydrostatic pressure. Hydrostatic pressure occurs when groundwater builds up beneath the pool and exerts pressure on the bottom of the pool.

The hydrostatic valve is typically installed at the lowest point of the pool, and it allows water to escape if the water pressure beneath the pool becomes too high. When the water pressure is high enough to trigger the valve, water flows out of the valve and into a drainage system, such as a storm drain or a sump pump.

The hydrostatic valve is an important safety feature for swimming pools, as it can help prevent damage to the pool structure and the surrounding area. Without a hydrostatic valve, the pressure from groundwater could cause the pool to lift out of the ground or crack, which can be expensive to repair and pose a safety hazard.